For the social scientist, jobs are plentiful. There are many different disciplines, which fall under the category of social science, each with many potential job opportunities. These disciplines include linguistics, political science, psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, and more. While it seems that the field of social science is scatter shot, there is an unifying factor in them, that ties together the various disciplines: the study of human interaction, and the social life, that humans, and societies possess. The research methods between disciplines are a variety of qualitative, quantitative methods, and follow the same sort of scientifically rigorous methodology as other sciences.
The global climate has many needs, which social scientists can fill. Economists are most likely to find positions in the coming years, given the past trouble with economic troubles that have spread globally. As the world works to fix the current economic situation, economists will provide the tools and theories that will protect against the same sort of economic down fall from occurring again. Political science experts are always in need, given the issues surrounding the Presidential office, foreign policy, immigration, and many such fields can benefit from the knowledge and skills developed in becoming a political scientist. International affairs can benefit from linguists, and sociologist can apply their craft to many areas of need in the world. The knowledge of human behavior, and how interactions work can benefit jobs from forensics to advertising.
Another discipline of the social sciences is information sciences. Information science covers the actions of collecting, storing, accessing, interaction, and dissemination of information in its varied forms. From a sociological standpoint, study is into the impact of events such as the invention of the Gutenberg printing press on religion and information dissemination. The field of information science, however, has a much broader range of applicability, and directions of research. One of the major directions that information science has taken is to study and understand the impact of the recent trend of rapid technological growth. Studies include investigation how computers and humans interact, how computers interact with each other. Information science is also responsible for such things like intellectual property, providing protection for original thought.
The myriad of information scientist jobs apply themselves by solving the problems that the new information age has brought upon us. The Internet has gone from an encyclopedic state, where the information is finite and containable, into a state where information has become a continuous stream. It is too much to try and absorb the entire stream as overload quickly occurs. Instead, information scientists, alongside programmers and technology specialists, come up with ways to selectively drink from the stream. Information scientists provide work on how technology can be improved to better enable access to information. The political and environmental atmosphere, along with economic issues requires people to keep track of a lot of factor in ensuring their survival in our modern world. Combine this with the knowledge influx due to hobbies and jobs, the trade and craft behind jobs, knowledge on how to properly care for kids, and keeping track of issues that could affect them, and it quickly becomes apparent that the process of obtaining and accessing information is one of paramount concern.
The issues that people want to keep informed on include the economy, international issues and relations, and the state of the environment. The environment is a hot topic, with the introduction of new technologies that promote biodegradable and recyclable products and processes. The field of environmental science studies, show the various biological, chemical and physical processes that surround us affect the climate as a whole. The fundamental sciences all contribute to the study of environmental science, and along with it the scientific rigor that centuries of the pursuit of knowledge has developed. When it comes to the jobs that are needed in the field of environmental science, they can range from studying the impact of the newer technologies being developed, to the development of technologies that repair our atmosphere, enable the growth of vegetation to aid in the recovery of the planet. Environmental scientist jobs range the gambit of scientific research fields. There is no shortage out there for the environmental scientist jobs, as well as the information and social scientist jobs.